Worldwide Geological Consultancy Group can offer both mining and civil engineering services for your mining designs or for civil projects by consulting with our qualified and experienced professionals.
How can we help?
- Planning and support either for existing engineering projects or to provide consultation at the early stages of planning and then through to supervision.
- Full interpretation and presentation of results with recommendations if required.
- Mine planning or review of your existing Mining Engineering or Civil Engineering Projects.
- Open Pit or Underground studies.
- GIS via Arcview and Map Info.

Mining Engineering—Open Pit and Underground
Slope stability for open pit designs ; Rock and soil mechanics studies orientated for the design of all roads and secondary access to all infrastructure ; Assessment studies for the optimum mining and extraction methods ; Water treatment and water supply studies including construction assessments for all pond requirements ; Specific sampling density studies and best sampling practices for mine grade control.
Underground Mining – rock & soil mechanics assessments for both excavation and support methods for shafts, adits, stoping , drives and all other designs.

Civil Engineering
Slope stability for road designs; Rock and soil mechanics studies orientated for the design of all roads and secondary access to all infrastructure; Rock mass bearing capability for bridge foundations or any civil construction project; Full assessment for all tunneling projects and methods.